They are the love of our lives. They are a part of our families. They are our "kids." We dress them up and take them out. We pamper them. We spoil them. They sleep with us. They travel with us. Call it a "lifestyle", call it "crazy old dog ladies", or call it just loving your dogs. There are a lot of us out there who love these furbabies like our kids. They have their special event clothing, their sunglasses, their life jackets, and their own special beds that coordinate with the owner's furnishings.
Many furbabies sleep with their humans because they love to cuddle. Using cuddlers or special soft beds placed above or between pillows or between people will give the little ones their special place to be in the bed so that they don't get rolled on or fall off the bed (this has happened more than once with disastrous breaks or severe injuries!) For those who prefer to sleep in their own beds, there's everything from doggie bassinets to cribs, to princess beds with canopies, to exact replicas of mom's four poster mahogany bed with specialty mattresses.
So why would we want to dress our dogs? After all, they do have lots of hair and they are animals? Every dog I've ever known has its very distinct personality...just like humans. Dressing them is just a fun way to express those little personalities. And most of them enjoy getting dressed up and being "pretty". In fact, all I have to do is call my little guys and say "let's get dressed" and they come running. Even my little male yorkie loves to put on his special polo shirt and little cargo shorts complete with belly band attached for times when he just can't help but mark his territory. Guess that happens when you live with several sisters!
Going out for special outings can be interesting when your fur family consists of 2 or 3 or 4 babies. Even one can be a handful at times. What to do? The best things going are the doggy strollers with all the special components of those human kind. Strollers come sized to fit one little one or 3-4. Yes, they do need exercise but taking them out and into public spaces in multiples can present issues of both safety and cleanliness. Keep them safe and out of things that can cause health issues by pushing them around in their very own stroller. Many styles now break down to be used not only as just a stroller but also as a kennel or bed while traveling. Do they love it? Of course! Mine beg to sit in the stroller while it is parked in my living room. They enjoy watching TV sitting in the stroller!
Speaking of traveling, if you plan to be boating with your little ones...please! for safety make sure they are wearing their very own life jackets and sunglasses. Use caution when taking them out in the heat of the day with those life jackets...especially if they are in full coat. They can get overheated and suffer from heat exhaustion very quickly. Best to only take them out in the boat when it's cool so they don't get so hot. And those glasses...not just a fashion statement. Their little eyes need to be protected from the sun just as human eyes do. They will get used to wearing them and will keep them on without trying to scratch them off. Just be sure all hair is pulled away from the eyes so as not to irritate. They will soon be the coolest doggy duds in the marina.
Please visit our shop at BlackLion on Park Road in Charlotte, NC or our web store at www.SassyYorkie.com to see the many items currently available. Your furbabies will love you for all the special things you'll find there for them. Happy shopping!